Wednesday, October 19

One year!

Today, Andrea has her first birthday. It seems fitting to share a little of her life thus far.


Has grown into her very own unique personality. Sweet, gentle, caring and horribly lovable. She is cute and she knows it! (She is already flashing her twinkling eyes and quick smile like lights on the Vegas strip!)

Has been walking for over three months and running for three.

Has been climbing anything she can find. (We have found her flat, chest down, on a clear plastic box. Her arm and legs straight out like a Mission Impossible scene with drool in place of sweat.)

Will climb down things with her butt first... thank God!

She can nurse upside down. (Often causing mom to roll her eyes and reminds me how glad I am to be a dad :D)

Handles being sick well. (During her last puking session she would walk around without any visible sign of illness. There would be a sputter.. sputter...and then boom! (Very much like the Fire Swamp's fire bursts in "Princes Bride")

She is petite. She is not even close to the cute baby rolls that our other girls had. This is likely due to the combination of activity, daddy's metabolism, and how early she was walking. (We figure she still has some time to pack on a roll or two).

Is tough... Seriously tough. (I am sure this is in direct relation to how rough and tumble her two older sisters are. I am not sure I would want to know what 3 boys would look like! Yikes!)

Loves her sisters dearly... and they love her. (She is a third, somewhat slower, wheel but she will try so very hard to keep up. She will allow Annaka to grab, carry, drag, push, scare, and play with her. All with a cute little smile... how is that possible!!? I feel beat up just watching for a few minutes!)

Will always go to sleep for dad, and wake up for mom. (When snuggling her to sleep, rocking slowly back and forth, I slowly pat her back. Andrea has noticed! She recently has decided to gently pat my arm as she burrows into my shoulder. *sigh .. I cherish these moments with all my heart)

I hope to add more (Perhaps Naomi will add some as well)... should I/we find some time.

Happy Birthday Andrea, we love you!

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