Monday, January 19


A complete exodus from basement living to a wonderfully roomy single level home. By noon on Saturday we had moved all of our belongings from my parents house up the icy driveway to our new home. It was a total of 18 truck loads, 3 at a time caravan style. We did not pack the trucks very tightly for such a short trip (~1/4mi) but it still happened quickly. Thanks to all the family help. We were able to completely dump all of our belongings inside in about half the time I had expected.

So the tough part now is digging into those long forgotten boxes and giving locations to the stuff collected over the years. I would have to say that we are about 85% complete with unpacking. With the major portion left being not so necessary items.

We have now had a couple days in the new home and we are absolutely loving it. We are continuing our unpacking/storing/cleaning. We are also attempting to get Annaka to sleep in her own room now that a new little one will be arriving in spring. Jindo didnt know what to make of the place though he is starting to settle in. With the fenced yard and room to run the only distressing thing he has to deal with now is how bad he wants to chase some cats that are hanging around.

Ok so pictures... I know I promised pictures a couple days ago.. been busy as you can see. But here they are. Didnt have my flash so pics are not perfect but hopefully you can get the idea.



Tuesday, January 13

Where have we been?

This is a good question. After finally selling our tiny little home in the middle of Colville we moved in with my parents. The original plan was to build a new house a short distance up the hill from my parents on Deer Meadow way. With the economy the way it/was and the struggles of building a home looming we always kept the door open to change our plans.

Oh how plans change. Nothing too drastic but a welcomed change none the less. We were given a tip by a neighbor that the home located just below where we were planning to build was going to go up for sale. We had been talking and looking at other properties because of the influx of properties for sale. Nothing had really piqued our interest. However, this place was different. This home was located EXACTLY where we wanted to be... easy access to Colville or KF. Nearly new and beautifully constructed. After looking it over and talking about it we decided to go for it.

It has been a long few weeks but we are nearing the end of the purchasing process. We have hopes of closing this thurs or friday! Hopefully we will soon update with pictures of the new place.