Tuesday, July 6

The Naptime Project

From Naptime Project
Awwww... They are so cute when they nap! Here Annaka has decided that she wanted to lay down and nap on her own. Meanwhile, Adelyn is sleeping in her crib and it's dark enough in there that I wouldn't dare a picture. So, I'm going to take a few minutes to document my latest naptime project. Babywipes...

Thanks to Auntie Whitney, I gave cloth diapering a go last year at this time when Adelyn was only about 3 months old. I have been quite happy since. We kinda gave up on them, though, when she started solids around January and I just came back this summer while I have time. After buying painfully expensive disposables all spring, it's a welcome load of laundry every two days.

Before now, I pretty much used disposable wipes as well and just threw them in the wash with the dirty diapers and picked them out while separating laundry. This time around I figure I should give the whole cloth wipe thing a try since I'm doing the laundry anyway. Online, I can buy wipes about $10-$12 for 12 or so. Hmm... Seems expensive. So, I figured they are only squares. I'll just sew some up. I checked out Wal-Mart's selection of flannel and terry (once I found it) and bought one yard of each ($3.50 for the flannel, and $4.50 for the terry). Then, I cut it up in to 6x8 in pieces and began sewing. Easy enough! For those who like to sew or may like to know what I did I took photos along the way.

Right sides together, sewn around the edge leaving a hole to pull it right side out.

From Naptime Project
I cut the corners to make it easier to push the corners out when turning it right side out.

From Naptime Project
Turned right side out and sewn along the opening to keep the unfinished edges in.

From Naptime Project
Then I just sewed about a half inch in all the way around to keep it flat.

From Naptime Project

Front and back of the wipe.

From Naptime Project

A stack of 10 finished within about 1 hr.
The 1 yard of each made 26 of them. I don't think I'll need to make anymore but, it won't be too big a deal if I do. Compared to the disposables they are like the "Cadillac" of baby wipes when used with a little water and Kissaluv's diaper lotion potion.

Next on the naptime agenda will be continued work on the quilt. This has been in the making for probably five or six years!

Next on the blog agenda... garden pictures with the girls...

Catch Up

I know we are kinda terrible at posting on our blog so here are a few quickies from a while ago.

Town and Country Days

From Town and Country Days 2010

From Town and Country Days 2010

From Town and Country Days 2010

From Town and Country Days 2010

From Town and Country Days 2010

From Town and Country Days 2010

Matt's Graduation

From Town and Country Days 2010

A Few Random Kid Pictures

From Town and Country Days 2010

From Town and Country Days 2010

From Town and Country Days 2010