Sunday, October 24

Andrea Dae

We are very glad to announce the arrival of Andrea Dae! She was born on October 19th at 8:28 am. And, she didn't come a minute too soon for me. At 20in long and 7lbs and 7oz she was my largest baby by nearly a pound!

I am fully convinced Andrea was trying to come about a week earlier than she did. For five days I had been experiencing quite a few contractions in the evenings and middle of the night. At this point I was still working and trying to survive off of less and less sleep. However, she finally came and we are happy to have a healthy baby girl that adds tremendously to our family. Annaka and Adelyn are completely in love with our new addition. They both have a hard time keeping their hands off their new baby sister.

I am trying to recover as fast as I can so I can keep up with three kiddos! This is proving to be a challenge right now as Andrea was definitely the toughest on me. So, hopefully, I will be back up and running as soon as possible.

Thank you to all of our family that has kept us in much needed prayer! You have been a blessing to us on a tough journey to get Andrea here. The Lord has blessed us beyond measure and we are still taking it all in. I don't think we even know how good this life is.

And now for a few pictures. :)

First we have Adelyn happy to see momma and a little interested in the new baby.

A very proud momma. She is a trooper and wonderful woman.

Sisters adoring their new addition.

Annaka was very interested in her sister. The first question she asked is how the doctor was able to get the baby out of mommy's tummy. (This picture is actually the first time she was able to see her little sister)

Baby Andrea.

Adelyn has had to adjust the most. She really wanted some mommy attention. We tried to do our best.

One of many kisses this day.

Andrea a nice pinky yellow.

Beautiful momma enjoying the moment.

Daddy playing with some little fingers.

A proud and tired daddy.

My arms full of daughters.

Annaka getting to hold Andrea.

Grandma Barkley's turn.


A head full of dark hair.

Grandma Edwards' turn.

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