Wednesday, June 3

Play Time

I imagine the best part of being two is every moment of the day is play time. Annaka has been used to going to the babysitter's house on a daily basis and getting good play time with the cousins. Since Adelyn arrived she has been staying home with Mom and baby. I think sometimes she feels like I'm totally no fun, especially when I'm feeding Adelyn. Poor girl. It is, however, hilarious to watch what she comes up with on a daily basis. Her imagination is incredible and I envy her ability to think out of the box. For example why shouldn't you wear a mitten on one hand in June? In your face MJ.

Annaka and Daddy out back playing some tee ball. She is still learning to connect bat and ball. This is a picture of one of the few contacts. But, what she lacks in accuracy she makes up for in power.

Notice Jindol is not close.

The chickens are still Annaka's favorite toy. They don't, however, seem to reciprocate. Annaka is chasing this one down after it escaped from her.

Shaalin and Annaka are great friends and only 3 months apart in age. It seems Annaka is in charge in this photo making Shaalin drag her around the yard. Funny, I would never have predicted this kind of use for the garden bucket.

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