We wanted to take her on the log flume and were only able to get her on because she had no idea there was a drop at the end. I, being the mean Mommy that I am, caught this picture of the incident. Yes, we were incredibly misleading when we convinced her to ride the "lazy little river ride that doesn't go real fast." And yea, we felt pretty proud of ourselves because we fooled a four year old. Don't worry though, she thought the ride was actually fun overall and would go on it again. Success! Next year we are going to ease her into the rides instead of taking her on the big wooden roller coasters first (bad Mommy and Daddy). Here are a few nice photos of the end of the day on her favorite ride, Tilt-a-whirl which she called the "Apples Ride". I guess they do look like big apples from the back!

Here's a video of her on the ride with us. Watch her eyes!
It was such a hot day we couldn't resist going on Thunder Canyon as well. Annaka tolerated the ride and we all walked around soaking wet for a few hours after. I think Ca is telling me that I'm gonna get it next here (which I did).

Everyone looking out for their rear ends.

Waiting in line for Tremors. Annaka got in the seat but ended up getting out and waiting for us on the side with a very nice ride attendant with a big green umbrella. She said she really enjoyed standing there with the nice guy.

Matt and Tyler snuggling up for the ride. It appears they don't make these things for two tall, broad-shouldered guys.

We ended the day with a chill carousel ride.