I apologize in advance for poor continuity of thought in this writing. I'm half awake, sick and typing one handed (baby is using the other as a chew toy).
We have been very busy around here. Caleb just released the ZenViewer!!! Yay!! Up till that point, he was working some insane hours. We are all glad and proud of this product release. Spread the word to your iPad friends! :)
I am working again since Andrea arrived and it is going well. School is busy especially in this world of high stakes testing. Spring break is just around the corner, thank goodness!
Annaka is in preschool and learning lots. Lately, they are learning about the body. She has also moved into a new music class and we are kinda scrambling to get her caught up some. She is learning how to play the glockenspiel right now. I'll get some video of that as soon as something discernible can be played!

Adelyn is growing and lengthening out. She is beginning to use more words and not let her sister do all the talking for her. She has also become our little escape artist figuring out how to open the front door and garage door. Yikes!

Andrea is learning how to sit up and baby talk. She also giggles at her sisters' antics all day long. She is well entertained! Andrea is a great baby and sleeps well most of the time. What a blessing when there are two other young kids in the house.

The dog has learned how to climb the fence and now causes us a whole new level of concern around here. He went rolling in something fresh for this sweet paint job.

Here are a few more pictures to share.

Oh we watched despicable me and I couldn't help but notice the resemblance!