Monday, September 20


I have grown up with honey as far back as I can remember. Honey in tea, coffee, bread and other baked goods. Honey on biscuits, cornbread, and spoons. I would always get a week, sometime late in the summer, to visit my grandparents. This would give my parents a little less work at home and send chaos over to Oroville. Many times it coincided with the honey harvest and I would do a little work for their business "Steg's Aprairy".

This is where the real learning began. It is where I would find combs of honey, tastily trimmed cappings, semi soft finger burning blocks of wax and barrels, buckets, jars, and large tanks full of golden honey. As I would work I would chew the hot knife trimmings dripping with honey. I would chew it as if it was a stick of honey flavored gum. To me it was! Once all the sweetness subsided it was time for more. I still remember the end of those days where my throat was almost closing on itself from the sweet and the world had a glossy sheen about it from the pure quantity of sugar running through my veins.

Needless to say our family consumes plenty of honey over the course of a year. The hard part is that it has gotten expensive. In our office we can go through quite a lot of honey in just a few months. Our last purchased bucket was $37.00 for 12lbs. Over $3.00 a pound! We had to do something.

Our solution was to get some bees. Two nukes a piece. (Nukes are typically four frame nucleus of bees along with a queen). At 85$ a nuke the buy in was not cheap. There were 5 partners: myself, my two brothers, my parents, and a co-worker that had no idea what he was getting into. 10 nukes, were purchased and picked up sometime in March. Dad had all the experience and tools so he did most of the basic care. Though I would help him here and there as the bee boxes began to get heavier and heavier to lift.

Towards the first part of September I started helping dad get the temporary extracting setup cleaned and prepared for extracting. Dad guessed we would get 500lbs of honey based on how well the bees were doing earlier in the summer. We were about to find out.

Dad and I started by taking the honey boxes off the hives. A little smoke and the bees will take a drink of honey. This will send the bees deeper into the hive as well as provide a calming effect. We start at the top of the hive and pull each box off blow the bees down the slide towards their entrance. Then we quickly make off with their hard earned gold.

This is what we ended up with after the raiding. We take all the shallow boxes of honey off the top and leave them with a minimum of two full depths with which to survive the winter with.

Here are the four stacks of shallows. There were more than a few empty boxes but there were plenty of heavy ones as well. The process for getting the honey is as follows. We take a box. Take a frame from the box. Take a hot knife and cut the cappings off (a covering of wax over the cell of honey). We then scratch open any cells that were not opened by the hot knife.

We then load up the extractor. The extractor is essentially a big drum that hold all the frames.

To get the honey out of the frames it spins throwing the honey onto the extractor's walls. The honey/wax/pollen etc fly out of the frames, down to the bottom and drain out into some holding container.
In our case we used a big bowl to catch the honey as it flowed out of the extractor.

We up end the bowl over a screen that catches most of the wax and other odds and ends that make it out of the extractor.
The honey eventually flows through this screen down into our 1000 pound holding tank.

Once all the honey drips into the tank we let it settle so that the impurities float to the top. This includes a foam of bubbles, pollen, and tidbits of wax that made it through the screen. Once settled we pour our loot into containers and are set for months!
In the end we had a grand total of 458lbs of honey off of our 10 nukes. A pretty amazing year for unestablished hives. Also pretty close to dad's original 500lbs estimate when you consider we didn't include the wax weight to the 458lbs. Now the hope is to get them all through the winter so that we might again enjoy the fruit of our tiny little friends' labor.

Wednesday, September 1

A full day in Silverwood

Up early I packed up the car with all the necessities for our trip to Silverwood. "Our" trip as in Annaka and myself. Adelyn is too young yet to enjoy 95% of the park. Naomi, with only a couple months left of pregnancy, had no interest in the long drive, screaming kids and spinning rides. I pulled the groggy little girl out of bed tucked her into the car and headed off for our Daddy-Daughter day.

The car ride was fairly uneventful in the sense that we didn't have any accidents, see bigfoot, or witness any high speed chases. We only stopped five times. One stop for breakfast, one for a potty break, one for coffee and hot chocolate, one for the second potty break, and finally once more for a final and oh so necessary potty break. Who knew little girls could potty that much in two and a half hours? Well I did and we arrived only a few minutes after the park opened (Daddy Win).

In any case we made it. Within sight of the Boulder Beach water slides I heard squeals of delight. After which started the constant stream of "can we ride the slides daddy, can we???". I realized I was a bit excited even with the constant stream of questions (primarily about the water slides). Bring on the chaos the day had officially started!

We eased in and enjoyed the horse carousel. We met up with my fam (My parents brother and his fam and two exchange students and a coworker and his fam) and then headed towards the big rides. First stop was the tilt-o-whirl. While waiting I realized that this was the first big test of the day. This was the first full fledged RIDE that Annaka had ever been on. Was she going to get scared? Would she like it? Would she hate it? Would she say she liked it and not want to ride anything? Would she puke all over me? (I only had one shirt so I figured puke could very well be in my future.) Then it hit me! I was nervous. I was more nervous for Annaka than I could ever remember being nervous for myself. Now I start to thinking I may just puke all over Annaka. Good thing it was a short line and it was time to load for that train of thought was taking me down some dark smelly tracks.

We were in. We were locked in. Samir and I sat on the outside with Annaka and Shalin in between. Then we were off and spinning. Thank my lucky stars she is very much like her daddy. She would giggle and grunt on the super fast spins. Our little car had plenty of delightful squeals emanating from it (Perhaps even a couple from me). All in all I was quite impressed... she LOVED it.

The day went very well. The park was full and they were very particular about height. I was not able to take Annaka on a real roller coaster as she was about 1in short. Though I am sure she would have absolutely loved it. The only time Annaka really broke down an cried was when I took her cousin Mya on the Timber of Terror (roller coaster). When we were done Mya was ecstatic and skipping down the path at my side. I came around the corner and see Annaka bawling. I tried to calm her down and find out what the problem was. It started as she was worried I had gotten hurt. Then it changed and morphed into the real issue. She was quite upset that she didn't get to go with me. It particularly sent her over the edge when Mya came skipping down the path on the top of the world.

I was pretty proud of my little trooper. I figured we would eventually have to leave because of how tired she would get. It was a cool day and even with getting one set of clothes soaked on the river ride and being shivery cold while we tried out the water slides and the play pool, she held in there. She did so well that we ended up meeting with Samir and Ratnali, riding some rides and then having dinner after it was dark. Annaka was still going strong as I walked her out to our car. I buckled her in and asked if she had a good time. She definitely had! I told her "it will be the same long trip home and you should just go to sleep". She told me "ok" and that was the last sound out of her. She was out like a light. I even made it home without taking any potty stops. I think I may really enjoy these Daddy / Daughter outings.