We purchased a wonderfully large KING sized bed for our bedroom a few weeks ago. With two adults there is still room for a third little one somewhere in the middle. This has worked out reasonably well. At least until Naomi left for vacation.
There are still three of us in bed, myself and two little ones. You would think that with a pregnant woman absent from the roster there would be MORE room. You would be wrong... very wrong! There is, in this horribly deranged reality, less room. I get to sleep with a one year old, not so small, toddler ON my head. The three and a half year old needs as much attention as her sister seems to be getting. This means I have a toddler on my head/chest/stomach and a pair of not so little legs and feet crisscrossed over mine.
I had to literally move two girls away from me in the middle of the night. I had to do this to ensure I would not fall off the bed or loose my sanity. The gravity of the situation was that... exactly that... gravity... they came back. I woke up the second time and considered asking Jindol (our dog) if he would trade me places. He gets all the free room on the far side of the bed. He just gave me a "not in your life" look and went back to blissful dreams of chasing deer across vast expanses of pillows and comforters....
It is only Wednesday.