1. One brand new baby girl, Andrea Dae.
2. Two tired and adjusting parents.
3. Triple A - top shelf... wear you out daughters.
4. Four new chickens that are starting to lay eggs. (replacing our old ones that met an untimely end)
5. Five days since 1,2, and 3 altered our lives for ever.
6. Six am on the 19th. This was the point when we were not sure if we would have to have a C-Section because of the baby's position. This is also the point when Naomi's water just happened to break causing nurses to start running.
7. Seven thirty. This is about the time I normally start getting the girls ready for bed. With the new baby I have started tucking Adelyn in with Annaka. The last three nights this technique has been more successful than I could ever have imagined. Before Andrea was born Adelyn was sleeping with us, between us and on us. She is so far our biggest snuggler and I love that dearly. However, this was not going to work with a new baby in bed (Seemingly huge Adelyn sleeping on top of tiny new baby could give me nightmares). This whole transition to Annaka's bed has been an amazing blessing. So far I attribute this to how much Adelyn adores her older sister, Annaka loves her little sister, and a blessing from a higher power.
8. Eight twenty eight in the morning on the 19th Andrea was born in grand fashion. She plopped out and was ready for the world, alert and eyes wide open. Amazingly she was wide awake and alert for over an hour enjoying all the space she was now able to stretch into.
9. Nine, the number of Edwards family cousins. (as soon as my sister Carrie has her baby... at any timenow).
10. (actually is the exact time right now but that seems like cheating) Number of soups that Wha Sun has made for Naomi in the past 5 days. Disclaimer: This may not be exact... I just know it is a lot, and greatly appreciated, another blessing.
20. Twenty fingers and toes. It is hard not to count fingers and toes once that baby pops out.
39. The number of kisses I received today... Boy this could add up after a while! (Probably 30 would be from Adelyn alone. She has a big transition to live through and she seems to be taking it in stride.)
57. Fifty seven diapers changed... or something crazy like that. Forgot how many diapers an infant can go through when they are the size of a football and their stomach is the size of an egg.
147. Number of pictures I have taken of our new baby. I probably should take more than that!
1,200. Twelve hundred, the number of hours of sleep I have lost because my (now three) daughters.
10,000. The number of hours I expect I will loose to my three daughters by the time they are all over 20 (Lord willing).
Infinite. Infinite in amount of love I have for my family and the blessings they give me each and every day.